
What to do with your money in Japan

2017-03-26(日)14:00 - 17:00 JST

Impact Hub Tokyo

東京都目黒区目黒2-11-3 印刷工場1階


This will be the first gathering for readers of Retire Japan, the leading (and only?) English language site about saving and investing for residents of Japan.


14:00 Doors open

Chat with other enthusiasts of Retire Japan about investing in Japan.

14:30 What to do with your money in Japan - Ben Tanaka

This talk will cover the basics of investing as Japan resident, touching on topics such as iDeco, NISA, robo-advisors, insurance, taxes, and so on.

Speaker Profile

At his day job, Ben Tanaka has been a teacher in Japan for sixteen years and is currently a lecturer at university. This community better knows him as the founder of the RetireJapan website and community.

15:30 Q&A

Ben will answer your questions about personal finance and investing in Japan.

16:15 Mingle with other participants

Discuss the presentation with other participants.

Venue Sponsor

Impact HUB Tokyo is the community under the common value shared amongst its members: "Questioning + Action = Impact". It is part innovation lab, business incubator and coworking space where a community of (social) entrepreneurs gathers, connects and exchanges knowledge and ideas.




RetireJapan is the best (and only?) English language site covering saving and investing for residents of Japan. We also organise seminars, lectures, meetups, and other events from time to time. J...
